4.2. Build Options

4.2.1. Standard Options

Users basically can use CMake 3.1.0 standard options (e.g., -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) together with the unique options.

4.2.2. Unique Options


Default value: OFF

Builds C APIs. libprimitiv_c library file and headers in the primitiv/c directory will also be installed.


Default value: OFF

Builds static libraries instead of shared objects.


Default value: OFF

Builds test binaries and generates make test command. This option introduces a dependency to the Google Test. FindGTest options can also be used.


Default value: OFF

Builds test cases that probabilistically fails.


Default value: ""

Specifies the source directory of Google Test. If you want to use Google Test provided from Debian/Ubuntu repository, add -DPRIMITIV_GTEST_SOURCE_DIR=/usr/src/googletest/googletest together with -PRIMITIV_BUILD_TESTS=ON option.


Default value: OFF

Whether or not to use cached values to prevent increasing computation amount. Libraries built with this flag will tend to consume more memory.


Default value: OFF

Enables Eigen backend (primitiv::devices::Eigen class). This option introduces a dependency to the Eigen3 library, and FindEigen3 options can also be used.


Default value: OFF

Enables CUDA backend (primitiv::devices::CUDA class). This option introduces a dependency to the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit v8.0 or later and cuDNN library v5.0 or later. FindCuda and FindCuDNN options can also be used.


Default value: OFF

Enables OpenCL backend(primitiv::devices::OpenCL class). This option introduces dependencies to an OpenCL v1.2 implementation and OpenCL C++ Bindings v2. FindOpenCL options can also be used, and cl2.hpp should be found in /path/to/include/CL.