3.1. Headers, Library Files and Compilation

3.1.1. Compile Options

primitiv is written in C++11. Users must specify appropriate compiler options to enable the C++11 specification. In most GCC-like compilers, -std=c++11 option can be used for this purpose.

3.1.2. Install Paths

primitiv is installed according to the usual process of CMake. In most UNIX-like systems, all files required to use primitiv is installed into /usr/local by default. Users can changethe this location using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX standard option of CMake.

After installation, the install location should have at least following files:

                       / ... (other files)
                         / ... (other files)

3.1.3. Header Files

All C++ header files of primitiv is placed in the PREFIX/include/primitiv directory. primitiv.h is a useful header to include all features of primitiv installed onto your machine. Whether some features (e.g. CUDA device class) can be used or not is represented as the macros defined in config.h

PREFIX/include/primitiv/c directory stores C-language API headers used by some bindings between other languages. c/api.h can be used similarly with primitiv.h to include all the features available through C APIs.

If the PREFIX directory is specified as an root of the include paths, you can include these header files like following:

#include <primitiv/primitiv.h>
#include <primitiv/c/api.h>

3.1.4. Library Files

PREFIX/lib directory has libprimitiv.so shared object file. Users should link this file when compiling your own code using primitiv.

If the PREFIX directory is specified as an root of the library paths, you can link libprimitiv.so like following:

cc -std=c++11 your_source.cc -lprimitiv